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Monday, December 29, 2008

Sony Sued Over Blu-ray

It seems that Orinda Intellectual Properties USA has filed a suit against Sony based on claims of Blu-ray patent infringement. The patent itself is for "methods for recording and reproducing information via optical disc." For those keeping score at home, such a patent would presumably not only describe Blu-ray, but also all other disc-based content known to man, including CDs, DVDs, and CD-ROMs. Yet, surprisingly, no companies that manufacture such goods have been named in the suit; interesting huh?

Orinda is demanding a jury trial, and seeking an injunction barring Sony from selling the PS3 and any other Blu-ray player. They are also requesting a "reasonable royalty" for their obviously unique and one-of-a-kind idea.

There’s about a 99.9% chance this suit will be laughed out of court, but if these idiots somehow manage to win I’m filing a patent for "an organic device which allows the owner to breathe air by filtering out harsh contaminents and provided oxygen to cells," and then suing every single member of the human race for having the audacity to have a set of lungs without paying me.
