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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sharp introduces LCD TVs with built-in Blu-ray

Japan's Sharp has launched what it billed as the world's first liquid crystal display television with a built-in next-generation Blu-ray DVD recorder.

The latest in Sharp's Aquos line of televisions will hit the market in late November with prices between Y170,000 and Y500,000

"At a time that competition is tough and the atmosphere bad, we want to differentiate ourselves by offering customers products that are of great quality but simple to use," Sharp chief executive Mikio Katayama told reporters.

The new Aquos DX series means a customer does not need to buy a separate DVD player or recorder, although the DVD unit can still come out of the television if there is a need for repair.

Sharp was at the forefront of LCD televisions. Blu-Ray, backed by Sony and other electronics makers, has beaten out Toshiba's HD DVD as the next-generation standard.

Sharp said it would not immediately release the new Aquos overseas. Japan has been the key market for next-generation DVDs, which allow better quality images and more interactive features than traditional DVDs.
