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Friday, July 4, 2008

Despite Victory, Consumers Not Buying Bluray

It was in February this year that Toshiba formally pulled the plug on the dying HD DVD format, inadvertently crowning rival Blu-ray as winner in a bloodied war that has been fought for months on end.

However three months down the line and the crowning glory hasn't translated into substantial sales for Blu-ray, not really. A recent NPD Group study revealed that Blu-ray sales have increased by only 2 percent from Feb to Mar and that they've actually dropped 40 percent from Jan to Feb.

Obviously a big disappointment for supporters of the winning format. There could be several reasons for this: one, despite the format war well over, people may not be ready yet to ditch traditional DVDs in favor of Blu-ray; and two, Blu-ray is still too expensive for the majority of people to plunge into adoption. As of now, it can be only hoped that all the advertising and publicity might help sway public opinion in favor of the format.

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